Scientific Anglers is pleased to announce its redesigned tippet spool and
updated label graphics.
An independent, free wheeling hub that allows the tippet spool to spin
freely when joined together. The hub can be retracted to become flush with
the spool body when used alone, or with other tippet spools on the market.
Each of the spools are color coded to correspond to the tippet material
type. Green for freshwater nylon, blue for saltwater hard mono, and orange
for fluorocarbon.
The spools are also molded with UV inhibitors to help protect the tippet
from degenerating UV rays. Built in the spool rim is a razor to cut the
material right when you want it.
The tippet material is managed by a color coded tippet retainer band that
also has the size of the material printed on it.
Water resistant label to prevent cracking and peeling.
New designed spool band may be a bit too loose or too tight. If you pull
the tip of the tippet material through the metal hole, tippet may be coiled
due to too much friction. We recommend that tip of the tippet should come
from the side of the spool band. |
新しい仕様になったスプールバンドが緩かったり、きつかったりバラバラです。きつめな場合、金属ループからティペットの先を引き出すとティペットが撚れる可能性があります。その場合は、ループから出さずにバンドの脇から先端を出すなどしてください。 |