BC Egg
I personally don't use egg flies much but they are common and extensively
used in North America. They say egg flies are reliable but I don't really
know if they work better than any other flies, as I have poor personal
experiences. I have caught some fish on these flies but I prefer to use
a bit more cool flies.
One of the reasons I hit on why these flies work is because you can be
bold to fish deep without being afraid of snagging the bottom. Fishing
right on the bottom is very important in many cases, so economical flies
make a difference.
If you are new to steelhead fishing in North America and don't know what to start with, feel free to contact us for advice. |
北米のスティールヘッドの釣りが初めてなどで、情報もなく、お困りの方、ご相談ください。 |
Red, Orange
Pink, White, Light yellow
Chartreuse, Cheese, Black
#4-8 |