Pete's Poacher E
ピーツ・ポウチャー E
1 color is added to the natura color pheasant tail body to make a striped
I started to use this fly in about 1999. This fly looks plain with some
very commonly used materials. It was no name for a while but a memorable
day changed a thing.
I was living in BC, Canada at the time. I would often spend a weekend at
a small lake called Pete's Pond west of Duncan, BC. It is in a private
property of a logging company so the access is limited only by a logging
road. The gate was open for public only during weekends with some toll.
Dry summer can close the area due to forest fire caution. The lake was
one of my most favorite spots on the Vancouver Island. I camped there thru
the weekend often to learn lake fishing. Basically the lake only has rainbow
trout and foods are damsel flies, dragonflies, some mayflies, leeches and
chironomid. Really peaceful place where a sow and cubs of black bears play
on the opposite bank most of the time.
In a fall weekend I was camping alone, as none of my friends joined me. I had the whole lake to me on Sat then on Sun a 2 local anglers came. It was so magical a day that I kept catching fish after fish, while they caught almost none. They came to my float tube and asked what I was using. I showed them this fly and they were surprised to see the fly I was using was not far different from their flies. Difference might be slight but the outcome was totally different. They called me "Poacher!", which was a big compliment to me. On the day I started to call this fly "Pete's Poacher".
After that, I used this fly in and out of Japan and had wonderful successes.
In clear lake such as Lake Chuzenji or Lake Kussharo, this works very good
as a chironomid pattern. But it is a magical fly in high nutritious water,
This has no internal weight so can aim at rising fish just under the surface.
In still water a floating line or type 1 slow sinking line are used. Strip
very slowly in the finger stroke, not wrist or elbow stroke. In streams,
natural drift, stripping and swings work very well.
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カナダに住んでいた頃、地元の人しか知らないPete's Pondと呼ばれる野球場1,2個分ぐらいの小さな山上湖に通っていました。そこは林業の会社の私有地で、一般に開放されるのは週末だけ。数ドルの入場料を払ってゲートを超えるというアクセスでのみ入れる特別な場所でした。今は入れるのか分かりませんし、当時もしばらく雨が降らないと山火事の危険が増えるということで閉鎖、または火器使用禁止などの措置が取られる繊細な場所です。その広大な私有地の中にいくつかの湖がありましたが、その小さな湖は山道の一番奥で、殆ど仲間内しか来ないような日もありました。週末そこにキャンプして二日間釣りまくるのが常で、色々な勉強をしました。
ノーウエイトですので、水面直下のライズしている魚を狙うことができます。ウエイトの入ったフライではできない水面付近をゆっくり釣るということに長けています。止水ではフローティング・ラインかタイプ1程度の遅いラインに付けてゆっくり引きます。肘や手首のストロークで引かずに、指のストロークで引きます。河川ではナチュラル・ドリフトでもスイングでもリトリーブでも釣れます。 |
Olive, Red
Orange, Yellow
Purple, Pink
White, Blue
Hare's ear, Tan, Black
Gunmetal, Gray, Olive
Dark olive, Chartreuse dun, Orange dun
Yellow dun, Brown, Dark brown
Rusty brown
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